Bald Cypress Bonsai

In natural surrounding the Bald Cypress tree grows commonly in swamps, along riverbanks and can develop in flood plains, in naturally standing waters. As other specimens of the Cypress, the longevity of this tree is millennial. There are some examples of Bald Cypress trees that have been determined to be almost 1000 years old. The Bald Cypress belongs to the Taxodiaceae family. In nature grow in circular strands, and the needles of the tree grow in two parallel rows. These tree needles are lost during winter, but the needles that dry out and remain on the branches will stay there until springtime when new needles start to grow.

Medium climate and protection of the bonsai

When it comes to nursing and growing a Bald Cypress as a bonsai, it is recommended to protect it additionally if winters are more severe than in its natural surroundings. When it comes to watering, in southern and warmer climates, daily watering is recommended. Additionally, during wintertime, it is advisable to assure that the pots in which the tree is planted are submerged under water for approximately half an hour, in order to allow the plant to take in the water it needs. Regarding the best soil combination, bonsai growers recommend using an equal amount of Phosphorus, Nitrogen, and Potassium (10-10-10). The tree should be fertilized approximately every two weeks.

Wire or twine?

While deciding on which style do you want to choose for the Bald Cypress bonsai, it should be taken in mind that in nature these types of trees grow to form a group of horizontal and dropping branches. Because of this, the formal upright style is considered the most adequate; however, you can prune the branches to be in a group, twin- trunk, and even informal upright. Careful monitoring is essential while the tree is growing because it develops fast. If growers are not careful, the fast growth of the tree often causes harm to the bark as the wiring is cut in the tree surface. If you do not consider yourself careful or interested enough, the wires can be replaced with twine.

Making cypress knees

Shaping the foliage in the Bald Cypress is simple; it only requires pinching new growth. If the branches are weak it is advisable to leave them one season to become stronger, after which the can be pruned. It is important to understand that pruning will always cause new sprouts to grow. Those undesirable lives are then plucked out afterward. Developing lumpy knees on the Bald Cypress is performed easily, and it requires less repotting. The rooting system will thicken and will eventually start coming out on the surface, thickening until they form a ‘knee’.

Even though the knees are formed this way gardeners should be very careful. This type of tree has a strong and fast growth and it could easily fill in the pot, so regular pruning of the roots, every year, is an essential segment in growing the Bald Cypress bonsai. In addition to the pruning of the roots, it is recommended that the solid used for growing this type of tree is made similar to that which can be found in its natural habitat that is the wet and marsh like soil. This effect can be easily mimicked with mushroom compost. Having a heavy soil is important to hold the rooting system on one hand, but on the other, it can ensure that the tree is given a sufficient amount of moist. For easier root and moist control, it is helpful if you choose a wide and shallow pot for this bonsai tree. However, it has to have sufficient space so you can leave the plants roots submerged in water,

Coming to health maintenance, the Bald Cypress bonsai is an easy plant. However, Twig Blight can be a problem. It can attack the tree after it has been pruned too much, which weakens the trees immune system and allows the fungus to attack and start colonizing the trees tips and branches. If you see, the fungi spreading carefully remove it from the tree to prevent any further contamination of the bark.

Careful planning and maintenance are essential for any type of bonsai. In addition, for looking beautifully elegant, this particular type of bonsai is very advisable for beginners, as it requires less time for maintenance, then compared to some other bonsai species. It will allow the beginners to enjoy the art of bonsai training and will enhance the joy and experience with its beautiful look and firm ground. The connection of the tree to the ground gazing upwards can be a great representation of exploring new challenges in the bonsai world for beginners and are a great start for any new hobbyist in this field.